March 30 2021
Untire named one of the best cancers apps
Untire, the digital therapeutic for cancer fatigue, has been named one of the five best digital solutions for cancer in the world by the Organization for the Review of Care and Health Apps (ORCHA).
Door Vonk of Untire is delighted with the recognition from this leading research organization. “It’s a recognition that we are on the right track. We want to achieve that no one with cancer has to be tired anymore. In developing the app, we have always listened to users’ needs and combined that with our clinical experience and scientific input. In addition, we constantly looked at other important aspects, such as ease of use, clinical validation and safety” states Door Vonk. ”It’s great that our work scores very high in those areas as well.”
Report digital health
ORCHA is Europe’s largest independent researcher of digital healthcare apps. It works closely with the NHS in establishing criteria for trustworthy apps, and has since partnered with organizations in other European countries, such as the NELL in the Netherlands, to do so.
ORCHA has reviewed 3,206 apps that support people with cancer and are in the app stores. The research organization, which works closely with the NHS, the UK’s mental health authority, compiled the reviews into the Digital Health Report.
Only 190 apps made it through the initial screening process. The apps were then rated on more than 350 criteria, including reliability, relevance, usability and clinical validation. Only a quarter of the apps reviewed received a passing grade. In the report, ORCHA highlights five apps – including Untire (the only one of the five in the toughest category) – that achieved an excellent score on all the criteria tested.